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Scientific Name: Coleus blumei Benth Common Name: Mayana English Name: Painted Nettle Filipino Name: Patak Dugo Family: Lamiaceae

Description: Erect, branched, fleshy annual herb, about 1 m high. Stems, purplish and 4-angled. Leaves are blotched or colored, ovate, 5-10 cm long, with toothed margins. Flowers are purplish, numerous, in simple or branched inflorescences, 15-30 cm long. What is Mayana Plant? Mayana is an herb that is usually cultivated as ornament. It has acer rubrum leaves which are dotched or colored with mostly purple. Some leaf colors are yellow, green, red, pink, and sometimes blue but the most common one is purple. Its leaves give mayana its attractive color giving people the idea to display varieties of them in their houses. Distribution: Introduced in the Philippines. Cultivated for ornamental purposes. Where can we find them? Mayana or Coleus is a genus of perennial plants native to Tropical places. Africa, Asia, Australia, the East Indies, the Malay Archipelago, and the Philippines. Parts used and preparation: Leaves, seeds, bark, and wood. Constituents: -

Leaves reported to yield psychoactive material. From the leaves, study isolated a mixture of sterols and triterpenes, campesterol, α-amyrin and ß-amyrin. Yields salvinorinlike substances of undetermined chemical structures. Screening yielded flavonoids, sterol and triterpenoid compounds. Leaves have yielded alkaloids, saponin, flavonoids, tannin, volatile oils, and quercetin. Phytochemical screening of crude leaf extract yielded terpenoids, phenolic compounds, saponins, and anthraquinones.

Medicinal uses:     

Bruises and sprains: Crush or pound 10-12 leaves and apply over the ankles, wrists or affected areas for 30 minutes, three times daily. Use a bandage to hold the poultice in place. Carminative: Take decoctions of leaves. Headache: Pound leaves and apply over temples and nape. Mild bleeding of wounds: Wash the young leaves; crush and extract the juice. Drop a few drops of the juice directly on the wound. Apply the crushed leaves as poultice. Sinusitis: Heat 10-12 fresh leaves over a fire; apply while still hote over the forehead for the frontal sinues or over the cheeks for the maxillary sinuses, twice daily.

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Decoction, taken internally for dyspepsia; also used as eyedrops for eye inflammation. Mayana Has Anti Histamine And Anti Asthma Health Benefit - Coleus extract has been found to have smooth muscle relaxant effect that results in, decreasing airway resistance and increased lung air volume capacity. Caused by coleus(Mayana) by inhibiting the enzymes that cause its breakdown. Also reduces histamine ( a compound that is released by cells in response to injury and in allergic and inflammatory reactions, causing contraction of smooth muscle and dilation of capillaries.) making coleus beneficial in the treatment of allergy associated asthma. Mayana for Glaucoma - Glaucoma is a condition of increased pressure within the eyeball, causing gradual loss of sight. While there are no clinically proven alternative therapies for glaucoma, there are several treatments that may be beneficial and coleus/mayana is one of them. Good news is to announce an eye drop was made with its main ingredient the mayana plant. PANLAPU herbal eye drops has become a trend in many forum and thread over the web with regard to eye problems, EENT infections, cataract and glaucoma prevention, natural treatment for eye problems and more. Panlapu came from the words Panay (Panay Island) and Lapunaya (also known as the Mayana Plant in Panay Island).

Other Traditional Medicinal Uses:             

Antioxidant Anti-inflammatory Antihypertensive Antimicrobial Antihistaminic/Anti-allergy Enhances wound healing Anti-diarrheal Anthelmintic Supports heart health Supports digestive health For insomnia Assists weight loss Reduces cancer risk

Coleus Side Effects, Contraindications and Warning 

Pregnancy And Breast Feeding - There are no sufficient studies conducted to determine coleus safe use during pregnancy or breast feeding. Use of coleus during pregnancy or breast feeding is discouraged.

Interaction and Contraindication  

Coleus can aggravate bleeding. Do not use when having bleeding problems. Similarly, when taking blood thinners including warfarin and heparin, coleus are to be taken with caution and with close medical supervision. Coleus can lower blood pressure. Caution should be taken when under medication for high blood pressure. Blood pressure may go down too low and may cause hypotension symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and lightheadedness.

HOW TO GROW MAYANA PLANTS? If you are a beginner in gardening, Coleus is a good plant to start with. They come in stunning colors and patterns and are very easy to grow. You can buy them at any garden stores and if you are lucky, you can even ask your friends or neighbors for some cutting of its leaves to get you started. Mayana come in bright colors of green, red, maroon, pink and sometimes with a combination of yellow. The color of the leaves depends on the exposure to the sun, they are more intense in in lower light of suns shade than in full sun. Mayana can be grown all-year round here in the Philippines. Some varieties can tolerate the hot sun while others prefer part-shade. They tend reproduce more effectively in moist soils. It

can also be planted from seeds but its best to propagate from cuttings. Just stick some cuttings in water for a few days and soon roots will grow PREPARATION Preparation of mayana leaves ointment Mayana leaves were collected locally. Dirt was removed from the leaves by rinsing with clean water. The leaves were air-dried without direct sunlight exposure, and cut into pieces. Following double boiler method of heating, the mixture was heated over a low heat for atleast 45 minutes to one (1) hour until the oil changed its color. The oil was strained using cheesecloth. The final product (ointment) was transferred in a glass storing bottle while still warm

 http://www.filipinoherbshealingwonders.filipinovegetarianrecipe.com/mayana.htm  https://discovermayanabenifits.wordpress.com/tag/the-healing-power-of-mayana-plant-mayana-plantsbenefits-discover-mayana-plants-benifits/  https://www.herbanext.com/philippine-medicinal-herbs/mayana  https://steemit.com/science/@zam398/science-daily-philippine-herbs-the-healing-wonders-of-the-mayanaplant  http://www.stuartxchange.org/Mayana  https://alt-remedy.blogspot.com/2015/10/mayana-plant-and-health-benefits.html  http://www.medicalhealthguide.com/herb/coleus.htm